The City of Haven has begun the process to update its 1998 Comprehensive Plan.   Over the next several months, the Haven Planning Commission will host a series of discussions during their regular meetings, which fall on the second Tuesday of the month beginning at 7:00 pm at City Hall located at 120 S. Kansas Avenue, Haven, KS  67543.  There will not be a July Planning Commission meeting, however.  The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be August 11 at 7:00 pm.

The Comprehensive Plan states a community’s vision, and will serve to help guide the future development of the City of Haven and the surrounding portions of Reno County. It recommends policies and strategies for economic development, housing, land use, major streets connections, and community facilities and services, as well as providing a broader discussion of future land development within the planning area.

Participation from community is vital for a successful plan, and we look forward to hearing your comments. 

Additional information will be posted as progress is made.  If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the City Office at 620-465-3618 or